What is “AffiliScore”?

AffiliScore is the leading Performance Based marketing portal. We provide affiliates with a platform to rate and review marketing oriented companies, access valuable information and collect free advice, plugins, memberships, ad credits and more.
Our Mission is to make performance based marketing more transparent and easier to navigate.
We pride ourselves with computing unbiased “AffiliScore” which are calculated according to a pre-defined objective scale. By firmly sticking to this scale we treat every company equally, thus providing our readers with a true biased-free service.
For More info about How We Score please visit here: http://affiliscore.com/how-we-score/
Who do we provide an “AffiliScore” for?
Affiliate Network
Affiliate Programs
Traffic Source
Marketing & Affiliate Tool (SAAS and Downloadable)
Marketing Courses
Ad Networks
Software Monetization
Performance based JS Monetization Providers
Apply for an AffiliScore here: http://affiliscore.com/add-company/