1. Name, Title, Location.
Matt Lovett, Managing Director & founder of WOW Media, based in the UK.
2. How long have you been in affiliate marketing and how did you get involved?
I have been in affiliate marketing since the age of 13 (2005). I got started in affiliate marketing after joining a UK cashback website and decided to build my own with a friend. This took off very quickly and I have been involved in affiliate marketing ever since, focusing on it full time after finishing High School in 2007.
3. Give us a little glimpse into what a typical day in your life looks like.
Wake up around 8am, check my phone reply to emails that I can reply to quickly. Get up have breakfast get to work around 9.30am. Check emails quickly again for any new emails that I can reply to quickly. Then after this I will check Asana and work through any tasks I have set myself for today, the day before.
4. What are your hobbies/interests/passions?
My biggest passion is my company, WOW Media. This takes up most of my time, when I am not working I enjoy going out with friends. I also love traveling (even though I hate flying!).
5. There are already so many affiliate networks out there. What makes Yours different?
Quite a few things set WOW TRK apart from other networks. I think its massively about quality offers for affiliates, we have built systems to monitor all offer links to ensure they are still working and are actively working on a unique tracking system to identify when an offer may have stopped tracking or is tracking incorrectly. We also offer local bank transfers in over 30+ countries and we don’t charge any fees for any of our payments. We cover all our own bank fees for bank transfers/WIREs etc. Affiliates also have a lot of insight into top performing offers they can see offers by Top EPC, Top CR and also ‘Featured Offers’ which the team recommends. We also are also working on ‘Trending’ offers which will go live on the platform shortly. These are just a few points that make us different, the list is massive!
6. Do you have any exclusive offers that other networks don’t have?
Yes we do, unlike many networks that pretend they have exclusive offers or just class any direct offer as exclusive, our exclusive offers are truly exclusive. You can see all our exclusive offers before signing up here:
7. Which offers are performing well on your network?
In terms of verticals the offers doing well are Deals/Discounts, Gambling, Trials and Prize Draw offers.
8. Which traffic sources prove to be the most effective for your top earning affiliates – E-mail, PPC, PPV, SEO, Facebook, Media Buying or any others?
Email is the biggest source of traffic on our network followed by PPC/PPV, Media Buyers then Social. Content is fairly small.
9. Do you offer online training for new affiliates?
Right now, no. However it is something we are planning to do and the development of an online ‘WOW TRK Affiliate University’ is something we have already started. For online affiliate support/help we do have our knowledge base that has over 80 support articles to help affiliates.
10. What affiliate network software (tracking system) are you using? If you built it on your own – what were the reasons for doing so? (instead of choosing HasOffers, LinkTrust, DirectTrack and HitPath, etc.)
Our network is based on the HasOffers platform, we choose HasOffers for the tracking reliability they have offer. They have a good long standing history of reliable tracking. Over the years we have built on top of the affiliate interface adding many unique tools for affiliates and ways to find better and top performing offers. We have also built our own admin system based around HasOffers to be able to automate more tasks and offer an even more superior service than the basic HasOffers platform offers.
11. What are the criteria for a marketer to be accepted to your network? How does your network prevent and handle fraud?
We require all affiliates to verify their phone number when signing up to the network. We also require them to give us specific information about their traffic. We combat fraud with additional manual checks, in certain cases manual address verification (e.g. if a user is paid via PayPal), we have also built our own fraud detection platform – WOWDETECT that monitors a range of data points from conversions and activity to identify fraudulent behavior for review by our team.
12. For those who are interested in working with you and your affiliate network – What’s the best way/time to reach you?
You can reach out to the WOW TRK team via email, live chat and phone. You can find all the contact details here: http://www.wowtrk.com/contact-us/
13. What are the keys to building successful relationships between Affiliates and Affiliate Networks?
Being open is very important. As a network we try to be very open and upfront about how we run our network, our offers and what we can offer Affiliates. The more Affiliates can be open about what they are looking for, their traffic the more we can help and build a long term relationship with them.
14. What do you think about where the industry is going? Where your company may be going? What advice would you give to affiliates to keep up the pace?
The industry is obviously getting more and more competitive. We are constantly trying to innovate and this week we released a new ‘My List’ feature for Affiliates so you can keep track of offers you may wish to run and huge improvements to our Offer Directory so you can create a very specific search query in order to find the most relevant offers. The advice I would give to Affiliates is try to offer something new or something that really adds value to the consumer. If you offer a superior product that really gives value to the consumer, you will see huge organic growth.