1. Name, Title, Location.
My name is Jody Walsh. I’m the Head of Business Development at ExpertMobi, US.
2. How long have you been in affiliate marketing and how did you get involved?
I’ve been getting involved in affiliate marketing for more than 10 years. Our team is running several large projects (one of them is ExpertMobi), dealing with advertisers, publishers and media buyers. I don’t even remember how I’ve started it but I’m very happy that I’ve connected my life with affiliate marketing and I enjoy it. I like to meet new people, go to conferences, consult people on different questions, help affiliates to get profit.
3. Give us a little glimpse into what a typical day in your life
Our office working hours are from 9 a.m to 6 p.m. (local time). During this time our team manages to solve the pool of important questions. I’m constantly being caught between two fires! On the one hand I have an army of publishers who need my help in solution of the simplest issues: tracker’s setting, setting of postback, traffic sources approval, check of accounts. On the other hand there is a cooperation with advertisers, timely conversions check, payment questions, search for new advertisers. It’s necessary to solve all these points quickly and professionally in a short time.
4. What are your hobbies/interests/passions?
From childhood I like traveling. By the age 16 I’d visited with my parents more than 40 countries on the two continents. At present day I’ve visited more than 100 countries due to my weekly worldwide meetings. Also I go in for sports very actively and do exercises 5 times a week, alternating aerobic training with power load exercises. Moreover I’ve been doing yoga for about 5 years.
5. There are already so many affiliate networks out there. What makes Yours different?
At present we really have a huge number of affiliate networks and its number is always growing and it’s great! When I started working in that field, there was only about 50 CPI, CPA networks. With the rapid development of mobile market a revolution came in users minds, new platforms were launched, the market got a new level.
ExpertMobi is not the only our project. Have been working in this marketing sphere for more than 10 years we aim at getting maximum profit for both sides. We provide publishers with individual terms, high rate offers, direct exclusive advertisers, absence of caps, weekly payments. Moreover our network accepts newbies and there is no need to wait for account’s approval for weeks here. The support team is happy to professionally answer any question. As for advertisers we are ready to deal with any budget.
6. Which offers are performing well on your network?
There are a few CPI mobile offers which are the most profitable on the market and have a high budget: 1. For example: Apus Launcher, 9apps APK, UC Browser, Ali Express etc. (they often make a profit up to several $k a day. ) and pin submit offers which for some GEO’s have rates up to 60$ for a target action.
I’d like to point out the following pin submit flows: MO Flow, MO MSISDN Flow, MO Flow with Click2SMS, MT Flow MT MSISDNT Flow. You can read about all conversion flows in details in our facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/ExpertMobi-951720061564063/?fref=nf . As for pin submits the user needs to pay for a subscription to generate a conversion and the affiliate can predict the potential profit if he follows the offers’ conditions. In case of CPI offers the users’ RR fails to be predicted and the advertiser can reduce your profit if RR is lower than it’s required.
7. Which traffic sources prove to be the most effective for your top earning affiliates – E-mail, PPC, PPV, SEO, Facebook, Media Buying or any others?
In fact all traffic sources are the most effective if the formula “source-offer” is correctly adjusted. As they say while one affiliate gets a great profit with PPC, another gets nothing using the same sources. You can check with admobispy.com, https://whatrunwhere.com, http://adclarity.com what campaigns are top and for what offers the major pubs are buying traffic now. But that does not guarantee that even if you copy the strategy, your campaign will succeed and you’ll get profit. That’s why, in whole, according to the sources statistics in our system, we have much pop-under traffic, but conversion rate generated is not high. At the same time as the price for this traffic is quite low, the result for affiliates is impressive! The second group of sources is PPC, PPV, SEO, Facebook. Traffic volumes are not so great but it’s targeted and high quality traffic. Experienced publishers make thousands of dollars a day running only one pin submit offer in Facebook!
8. Do you offer online training for new affiliates?
We do not provide online training at the moment, but we plan to start it in the nearest future. We’ve collected a huge number of materials, manuals and hope to share this information with our affiliate newbies soon. Still you can contact me directly on Skype: supportexpertmobi, jody.support and I’ll be happy to help you start working!
9. What platform do you use? If you built it on your own – what were the reasons for doing so?
The affiliate network ExpertMobi is not the only our international project. We’ve been doing our best to create the platform, the main advantage of which is convenience, usability and unique tools. It’s easy to use ‘cause every publisher needs just to register to start working with us, there is no need in answering thousands of questions, waiting for accounts approval for weeks here. You just need to select the offers you are interested in and set up the postback pixel for tracking. The great advantage of our platform is that every affiliate can tell us his wishes, we take them into consideration and bring them to life, while it’s impossible with paid platforms.
10. What are the criteria for a marketer to be accepted to your network? How does your network prevent and handle fraud?
To start working with us you need to sign up with ExpertMobi, select the offer you are interested in, describe your traffic sources and submit them for approval. As for affiliates they need to know the main principles of traffic campaigns and follow our network rules, offers terms and conditions. You’ll start getting profit with us quicker than anywhere! We have our own anti-fraud system, it helps us to trace any dishonest game, fraud, so I recommend you running campaigns honestly.
11. For those who are interested in working with you and your affiliate network – What’s the best way/time to reach you?
You can contact me on Skype ID: supportexpertmobi, jody.support and email:
[email protected]
No question will be left without attention. I’ll be more than happy to help you!
11. What are the keys to building successful relationships between Affiliates and Affiliate Networks?
The main key for successful relationships is the affiliates honesty and their sincerity.
My team and I are interested that publishers get the maximum profit! We build friendly relations with each publisher, increase caps, make advance payments)
12. What do you think about where the industry is going? Where your company may be going? What advice would you give to affiliates to keep up the pace.
At present online affiliate marketing is developing very quickly and we are doing much to take the decent place in CPA niche. It’s not enough to provide affiliates with a wide choice of offers, but to give high rates, look for the most convertible and popular offers and provide publishers with the flexible payment terms. That’s why our team works only with direct advertisers and does its best to add new offers every day. Affiliates can find various offers for different traffic sources in our offers list. A great target traffic volume and its quality are the main keys for affiliates success.