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BirdyAdder leverages the newest marketing medium for you. Twitter is a social network site where millions of people go to interact with others. These members follow each other and take part in the many features Twitter has, creating an extremely large social network.

BirdyAdder handles all of the work for you and includes the following features:

  • Auto Follower that allows you to follow a lot of people quickly and easily.
  • Unfollow anybody who has not followed you back, and send a message to your new followers.
  • Send “Direct Messages” to all your followers.
  • import/export tweets.
  • Compile a list of tweets from which BirdyAdder will automatically tweet at specified intervals.
  • Add ID’s to Blacklist or Whitelist.
  • Statistics of the number of people followed, unfollowed, messaged and tweets posted!
  • New!Multiple registered accounts can now be chained together!
  • New! Set BirdyAdder to auto start each day!
  • New! Automatically monitor search results and send replies!
  • New! Time-delay feature!


What do you think?

Written by AffiliScore


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