

Animoto was designed to make TV-quality video production available to anyone with digital media and a computer. The re-selling possibilities are endless and the conversion rate is fantastic.

Badges & banners
We provide slick looking e-marketing tools that contain your unique affiliate code. Place them on your site/blog and see just how many people register through you.

Video of the month
Videos can contain your affiliate code too! Include videos in an e-mail/newsletter blast and see just how many people check it out, register themselves and buy at Animoto.

Video-creation contests
Create a contest for your user base for a cool video regarding your site’s area of interest. Whether it is scrap-booking, travel, photography or pets, you’ll see that many will buy after trying Animoto.

Go international
Right now Animoto is only in English. Create a short tutorial guide about using our site in another language, and promote Animoto to non-English people that-a-way. You’ll be able to tap into a group of people who don’t know Animoto yet.

Social networking
Twitter, Facebook, Squidoo, MySpace and so many other nice social networking sites allow you to promote Animoto to like-minded individuals who might just be into the same things (like Animoto) as you!

Spice up your blog
Include videos of your own on your blog. Place a direct link to Animoto below it with your affiliate ID contained in it.

Speaking at a conference?
Great! Get an e-mail list of attendees and make sure to promote Animoto in a way that’s relevant to them in your follow-up e-mail blast.

For web designers & marketers
Include Animoto in your client’s package and get a re-seller commission for doing so. Add an additional revenue stream to your business.


What do you think?

Written by AffiliScore


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