You are here: Home The Affiliate Challenge Start Start Please Click Next To Begin. 1. What does Bounce Rate mean? The percentage of users who do not click anywhere on your site The percentage of users who click back within 5 seconds of being on your site The percentage of users who close the tab/window within 5 seconds of being on your site The percentage of users who leave your site without continuing to view other pages 2. CPC stands for Cost Per Call Cost Per Category Cost Per Click Cost Per Conversion 3. Which of these systems ALL have heatmap tracking 202Tracking, Google Analytics, CrazyEgg, ClickTale ClickDensity, Google Analytics, CrazyEgg, ClickTale Clicky, ClickDensity, CrazyEgg, ClickTale Clicky, Google Analytics, CrazyEgg, ClickTale 4. Which of the following does NOT allow you to grow a following Twitter Facebook Foursquare LinkedIn 5. Bonus: PAD stands for Public Affiliate Data Public Affiliate Dream Portable Application Description Publish All data 6. ASW stands for Affiliate Score Widget Amazon Web Services Affiliate Summit West Affiliate Super Week 7. RTB stands for Right Time Block Real True Bid Right Time Bid Real Time Bidding 8. What does the term ‘responsive’ refer to? A website or webpage that change and resize according to the user’s device A software agent that return value referring to the device used to browse A website or webpage that respond to mobile clicks Mobile app that response to user’s mobile device specifications 9. Which of these methods is NOT considered to be white hat social bookmarking xrummer forum posting link building article marketing 10. What is the most popular size for mobile banner ads? 300 x 50 300 x 250 468 x 60 320 x 50 11. What is Retargeting a method used to analyze geo targets a method used to calculate the amount of users you will be reaching a method used to remarket banners to users who visited your site a method used to target a new audience 12. Which of the following is NOT a social bookmarking site Reddit Delicious Pinterest StumbleUpon 13. How many friends can a single profile on facebook have? Unlimited 5000 7500 3000 14. SSP stands for Supply Side Package Service Side Platform Service Summit Plus Supply Side Platform 15. CPM stands for Click Per Million Cost Per Money Cost Per Mille Click Point Mark 16. Website PR stands for Website Public Record Website Promotional Response Website Page Rank Website Press Release 17. What is Frequency Cap The frequency over which your banners will show in a campaign The amount of times your banners will be shown to a single user in X time The speed over which your campaign will show in a day The amount of times your banners will be shown over a campaign 18. DSP stands for Demand Side Platform Doing Some Progress Doing Something Punctual Demand Side Package 19. CPA stands for Cost Per Affiliate Cost Per Action Cost Per Agent Cost Per Account 20. P2C stands for Pay to call Paid to Click Pay to Cash Pay to Convert 21. PPC stands for Pay Per Cost Pay Per Conversion Pay Per Click Pay Per Call 22. Which of these is NOT a standard IAB Banner Size 300x600 88x31 970x90 600x250 23. SEM stands for Search Engine Money Search Engine Millionaire Search Engine Marketing Search Engine Media 24. Which symbol is used for a hashtag # ~ ? @ & % 25. SERP stands for Search Engine Reflection Platform Search Engine Results Page Search Engine Recovery Platform Search Engine Rumor Platform 26. PPI stands for Pay Per Install Pay Per Instance Pay Per Interest Pay Per Impression 27. CPL stands for Cost Per Launch Click Per Lead Cost Per Lead Click Per Launch 28. What are Rich Media Ads? Ads that smartly combined with rich mobile apps Ads appear as push notifications on mobile devices Ads that display news tickers Ads that deliver motion and interactive content 29. What is A/B testing used for? Server behavior / overload Conversions optimization Compare between 2 websites Check user's experience 30. What is Quantcast used for? Website demographics Trends forecast Keyword research Ad planning tool 31. AWS stands for Amazon Web Services Amazing Web Site Affiliate Summit West Affiliate Web Site 32. SMO stands for Social Media Optimal Social Media Optimist Social Media Optimization Social Media Optimizer 33. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimist Search Engine Optimizer Search Engine Optimization Search Engine Optimal 34. What does Incent Traffic mean Amazing converting traffic Traffic that costs cents Incentivized Traffic Traffic that smells good 35. DFP stands for DoubleClick For Publishers Dynamic Facebook Page Direct Facebook Page Direct Focus Platform 36. CPD stands for Cost Per Duration Cost Per Download Cost Per Day Cost Per Delta 37. CPV stand for Click Per Video Cost Per View Cost Per Video Click Per View Name Email Phone Number Time's up