
15 Days Cash

15 Days Cash
15 Days Cash

Our Basics For Affiliates

With our patent pending cookie+IP tracking system, we make sure commissions are tracked and never stolen. It is always the first affiliate that counts in our system.

The Payments.
Get paid every 15 Days like clockwork directly to your PayPal account.

No Fees For Affiliates.
You will pay ZERO transaction fees or system commissions. No system maintenance fees are applicable.

The State-Of-The-Art Control Panel.
You will have access to a detailed statistics panel where you will be able to keep track of clicks, visitors, sales, add tracking codes, create your own campaigns… and also access an internal marketplace where you can check out the websites available for promotion, their keyword packages, banners, links, peel ads, text ads… all will automatically generate your affiliate code with the click of a button!
Join us to check everything out and get $10.00 just for sigining up!


What do you think?

Written by philip


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  1. You can find relatively low cost mariatel in the Warriorforum WSO section.When CPA was first catching on, several high priced (over $1000) courses came out, now that it’s become more commonplace, mariatel has gotten less expensive.One author who teaches you the actual methods he uses, who seems to be a straight shooter is Chad Hamzeh, he has Profit-101 for those starting out, and Traffic Black book for the more experienced as well as a WSO title with some 10 hours of videos on traffic sources for $47.

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